Every person with this diagnosis should know how blood pressure changes with hypertension. More and more people are suffering from this disease. The disease is young, so everyone should understand the principles of life with hypertension: both patients and their family members. What is the pressure for life, how to behave during an attack, does heredity and lifestyle affect the development of the disease? Answering these questions will help you avoid many unnecessary problems.

Blood pressure indicators for hypertension
The main cause of hypertension is the narrowing of the lumen of the walls of blood vessels due to their spasm. This process occurs for a number of reasons: heredity, bad habits, stress, sedentary lifestyle. The main method of diagnosis of hypertension is the measurement of blood pressure. Since childhood, everyone is familiar with the numbers "from 120 to 80". They have their own name and meaning. The first number is the reading during the work of the heart muscle, called systolic blood pressure (SBP). The second indicator measures blood pressure between heartbeats, called diastolic blood pressure.
Symptoms of increased pressure are palpitations, nausea, throbbing pain in the back of the head, dizziness, increased sweating, pain in the heart region, insomnia.
Doctors have found a direct relationship between blood pressure indicators and the degree of the patient's disease:
- Numbers less than 120/80 are optimal;
- 120–129/80–84 - normal pressure. The diagnosis is made: prehypertension;
- 130-139/85-89 - high normal blood pressure. For hypertension;
- Greater than or equal to 140/below 90 – ISAH is diagnosed;
- 140–159/90–99—1 degree hypertension;
- 160–179/100–109 — 2nd degree;
- 3rd degree - more than 180/110.

The initial stages of the disease are usually asymptomatic. The first signs of the disease are easily visible, and a person simply does not notice them, gradually getting used to the symptoms. As hypertension continues to develop, it changes blood vessels and increases the likelihood of heart attack, stroke, or kidney problems. If hypertension is a common diagnosis in the family, it is necessary to periodically monitor blood pressure parameters to stop the disease in infancy.
How is the diagnosis made?
Research stages | What is checked? | Note |
Pressure measurement | Measuring indicators every 15-30 minutes for several days. | - |
Anamnesis | Detailed analysis of complaints and symptoms. | - |
Physical examination | Measurement of temperature and blood pressure, palpation of the thyroid gland, skin examination. The condition of the veins close to the surface is evaluated. | Symptoms of a long-term disease: an increase in the size of the heart, the presence of characteristic noises when listening with a stethoscope, blurred vision, spots, swelling of the legs. |
Instrumental methods | Blood and urine for general analysis | - |
Blood biochemistry | Control sugar, uric acid, K, Na, cholesterol. | |
EKG | Angina is detected. | |
Examination of the fundus | Symptoms: vasoconstriction, microhemorrhages, dilatation of veins. | |
Ultrasound of the heart | By appointment. | |
X-ray of the chest | The boundaries of the heart muscle are revealed |
What pressure is already dangerous?

Blood pressure readings that are dangerous for people are above 140/90. Depending on the numbers on the tonometer and the degree of changes, the patient's condition is stabilized in different ways. Stage 1 is characterized by insomnia, fatigue, and headaches when functional changes occur. Attacks are short-lived and unstable. Blood pressure drops after taking a sedative along with rest. In the 2nd stage, organic changes appear. Antihypertensive drugs are prescribed to stop the attack. Crises are possible. Kidney function is disturbed, eyesight is weakened. Attacks are persistent and long-lasting. In the third stage, indicators are never normal. Organic changes in internal organs and blood vessels can cause stroke, blindness, heart attack and heart failure.
What to do if you have high blood pressure?
How to stabilize blood pressure during an attack:
- Call an ambulance.
- Place a tablet under your tongue to speed up the absorption of the medicine.
- Breathe evenly and try not to get nervous.
- You can put mustard plasters on your legs to expand the peripheral veins.
As a result, the load on the main vessels is reduced and a feeling of comfort is created. The attack should pass gradually, within 2-4 hours, because a sharp jump in "hypertension - low blood pressure" has negative consequences, especially if the patient is elderly. High blood pressure can cause panic attacks. Hypertensive patients often experience high blood pressure. Tablets help to eliminate the attack - you need to stop being nervous and follow the doctor's instructions. To do everything correctly, it is recommended to keep a sheet with the sequence of actions during the attack in a visible place. It helps to fight panic and lower blood pressure yourself.
To prevent a crisis, you should follow your doctor's recommendations.
General recommendations |